Aphasia and Stroke

Learn about the different types and effects of aphasia, tips for living with aphasia and more.
Senior Couple in the kitchen talking

What is aphasia ? 

Aphasia is a language disorder that affects your ability to communicate. It's most often caused by strokes in the left side of the brain that control speech and language.

People with aphasia may struggle with communicating in daily activities at home, socially or at work. They may also feel isolated.

Aphasia doesn't affect intelligence. Stroke survivors remain mentally alert, even though their speech may be jumbled, fragmented or hard to understand.

senior man sitting on sofa at home looking concerned
decorative book in a library

Recursos comunicacionales o de deglución

American Speech Language and Hearing Association
This site includes resources to help you understand communication and communication disorders, as well as a professional referral service for access to qualified care.
National Aphasia Association
The National Aphasia Association (NAA) is a nonprofit organization that promotes public education, research, rehabilitation and support services to assist people with aphasia and their families.
woman with wheelchair at home

Support Network

Want to share recovery and rehabilitation experiences with other survivors? Find reassurance or offer your own words of wisdom on the American Heart / American Stroke Association's Support Network.