Condition and Prevention Resources
Stroke is dangerous and deadly — the No. 5 killer and a leading cause of disability in America. Use these prevention resources to learn more about how you can control and treat several risk factors for stroke.
Condition Management Information
- High Blood Pressure and Stroke Infographic
- I AM Determined to Prevent Another Stroke Infographic
- What To Do Instead of Having Another Stroke (PDF)
- Explaining Stroke Brochure (PDF)
- Live Great – Ideas to help kids stay heart and brain health from the American Stroke Association and Dee-1 (Video)
- Kids Stroke Prevention Quiz (PDF)
- Kids Stroke Word Finder (PDF)
- Stroke Prevention Brochure English (PDF)
- Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Print Ad (PDF)
- I AM Determined to Prevent Another Stroke
- How Can I Monitor My Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and Weight ? (PDF)
- Stroke Risk Assessment
- Hojas informativas sobre respuestas del corazón
- Stroke Hero Toolkit (PDF)
Lifestyle Management Resources
Looking for Stroke Information?
If you are a stroke survivor, caregiver or a family member looking for information and support, please connect with our trained stroke specialists through Stroke Family Warmline.
If you are a group, organization or a hospital system looking for stroke education materials, order them here.