Women and Stroke

As a woman you are a lot of things to a lot of people. You are busy. You are stressed. You are strong. You are irreplaceable. You are a caretaker. But do you care for yourself as well as you do others?
You might have unique risk factors that put you at a higher risk for stroke, including pregnancy or menopause or being a woman of color.
I rise for tomorrow by defeating stroke today. Because losing even one woman to stroke is one too many.
Stroke is the No. 3 cause of death in women and kills more women than men. In fact, one in five women will have a stroke.
- Evaluate your risk factors for stroke. Some risk factors are controllable and treatable, while others aren’t. It’s important to understand your risk.
- Know your blood pressure and keep it in a healthy range. High blood pressure is the No. 1 preventable cause of stroke.
- Talk to your health care professional about ways to improve your well-being and help prevent stroke.
- Learn how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T. If you see Face drooping, Arm weakness or Speech difficulty, it’s Time to call 911.
Take Our Quiz!
Women may have unique risk factors for stroke. Learn more.
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We hope you’ve learned about stroke risk factors that women face and how to spot and respond to stroke F.A.S.T. Talk to your health care professional about how to lower your risk and share this information with family and friends.

Tools and Resources

Check In & Check Up for Your Health with Sybil Wilkes
Sybil Wilkes is a long time health advocate who understands that whole body wellness can help you feel stronger, healthier and mentally sharp—and it can also reduce your stroke risk. By launching Check In & Check Up for Your Health, she will galvanize community partners to inform and empower the African American community for better health practices and outcomes.