Life After Stroke
There is life—and hope—after a stroke. With time, new routines will become second nature. Rehabilitation can build strength, capability and confidence
Stroke can be beatable. Rehabilitation is key to achieving and celebrating all the small victories along your way to recovery.
While strokes can vary in type and severity, many patients and their loved ones have been where you are now—facing important decisions about rehab that must be made quickly. Stroke recovery can seem overwhelming, but rehabilitation can help you regain your strength, your courage and your independence. Our tools and resources can help.
Rehabilitation Resources
If you or a family member is facing stroke recovery, we offer resources to take along on the recovery journey to help you navigate decisions about rehabilitation facilities and services.
Healthcare Provider Rehabilitation Resources
Use our resources to help you expand your knowledge of the latest rehabilitation guidelines and to properly address the needs of your stroke patients.
Resources for Rehab and Recovery
- Life After Stroke guide (PDF)
- Guía de la vida tras un ataque cerebral (PDF)
- Making Rehabilitation Decisions guide (PDF)
- Toma de decisiones en cuanto a la rehabilitación guía (PDF)
- Simply Good: A cookbook for stroke survivors and their families (PDF)
- Simplemente Bueno: Un libro de recetas para quienes han sobrevivido un ataque o derrame cerebral y para sus familias (PDF)

Support That Empowers
Recovery becomes so much more manageable when you have the right kind of emotional support. Our online community of patients, survivors and caregivers is here to keep you going no matter the obstacles. We’ve been there, and we won’t let you go it alone.
Topic Ideas for Stroke Support Group Leaders
Post-Stroke Exercise Videos
Rehabilitation is the key to a successful recovery. Now it’s time to get out and get active. For stroke survivors in recovery, physical activity can mean the difference between dependence and independence. (Scroll left to browse the gallery.) Find more videos and continue your recovery journey
Get the Most Out of Rehab
Bridge Weight Shifts
Crumbling a Piece of Paper
Getting Up From a Fall
Mini Lunges
Swissball Weight Shifts
More Resources
Choosing the Right Rehabilitation Facility
Regain Your Independence
Stroke Recovery Resources
Preventing Another Stroke
The Needs of Family Caregivers
Learn the Symptoms of Stroke

Build strong connections through your smartphone
The AHA and SelfiHealth are collaborating to support heart/stroke patients and caregivers. The mobile app builds deep connections by matching participants on health concerns, shared interests and experiences.Get Connected