Help and Support
Your stroke is yours alone. But it takes a team for your recovery.

From caregivers to support groups, your network can lift you up — and help rehabilitate your body and mind.

For Family Caregivers
Caregivers deserve our appreciation. The stroke survivor’s family is often the most important source of long-term support during recovery and rehabilitation. But who takes care of the caregiver?

Stroke Support Groups
Stroke support groups can help you get beyond your limitations. Social interaction and simply connecting with others help ease the depression and isolation so common after stroke.
Stroke Family Warmline
The Warmline connects stroke survivors and their families with an ASA team member who can provide support, helpful information or just a listening ear. Call our Stroke Family Warmline at 1-888-4-STROKE (1-888-478-7653).

More Resources

The Medical Rehabilitation Team
The treatment of a patient after a stroke is multidisciplinary, requiring the support of several members of a team of medical professionals. These include rehabilitation specialists; rehabilitation nurses; physical, occupational, recreation, speech and language therapists and mental health professionals.Stroke Resource Library
For Patients and Caregivers
All of our educational materials in one convenient section.