Face Drooping or Twisting

One of the common symptoms of a stroke is half of the face droops or slightly twists downward. What to look for: Does one side of the face droop, or is it numb? Is the person’s smile uneven?

What might your face look like if you were having a stroke?


A young Black woman wearing headphones is smiling and taking a selfie with her smartphone against a terra cotta colored wall.

See what stroke could look like on other people’s faces. Play the game to identify stroke in others.

Play the Game
A digital illustration of a pink brain character on a white background animated to slightly bounce up and down

Now that you can identify face drooping and twisting, immediately call 911 when you recognize it.

Bonus Material | Check out this short testimonial from stroke survivor, Stefan, and his first responder.

Bonus Material | Ann’s 40-second video shows what someone’s face might look like when it droops.

Why does face drooping/twisting occur with a stroke?

During a stroke, blood flow to different parts of the brain can stop. If blood flow to the left side of the brain is compromised, the right side of the person’s face could droop or twist. If the blood flow to the right side of the brain is compromised, the left side of the person’s face could droop or twist.

The frontal lobe is the part of the brain responsible for motor control of voluntary muscles. If the frontal lobe is affected during a stroke, the person may have trouble smiling.

Learn more about this and other symptoms of stroke

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