Stroke Survivor 2 Survivor (SS2S)

Masked woman talking on the phone

SS2S is a telephone peer support program for stroke survivors and their caregivers. It is run by stroke survivor or stroke caregiver volunteers with special training and overseen by a local hospital on-site coordinator.

When implemented, the SS2S program offers many benefits. With the tools provided in the SS2S program, the health care facility and volunteers can make a difference by encouraging stroke survivors to manage their own care while offering support, guidance and resources for their stroke recovery.

The American Stroke Association (ASA) and Stroke Survivors Empowering Each Other (SSEEO) share a common desire to improve the health and quality of life of the more than 7 million Americans who are stroke survivors. We recognize the stroke experience can feel traumatic and lonely and want to ensure survivors and caregivers know they are not alone. We're here to help every step of the way. That's why our organizations are working together to provide the SS2S program at no charge to hospitals across the nation through an expanded pilot phase.

To learn more about the SS2S program, please view the recording of an information session hosted in September 2021. Contact us with any questions.